With over 270 delegates, 6 guests and 25 observers, the PSAC-Atlantic Triennial Regional Convention was poised to be a successful event. Delegates elected members to the Regional Council, the governing body between conventions, and Sister Colleen Hodder was elected as Regional Executive Vice-President (REVP).
The participants raised over $25,000 for members of the Halifax Typographical Union who are on strike because their employer, the Halifax based Chronicle Herald, is trying to bust the union.
Other highlights include the Convention demo where participants took to the streets to voice their frustrations in regards to the Phoenix Pay System. The local Member of Parliament, Wayne Long, was in attendance and listened to the participants’ concerns. The demo also garnered some local media coverage.
Finally, but most importantly, delegates adopted various resolutions to update the By-Laws which includes ensuring fair representation of young workers delegates at convention, creating a seat for a Director representing Directly Chartered Locals on the Regional Council, a second alternate to the REVP and amended a committee structure; creating a Health and Safety committee and separate Environment committee to give each file the attention it deserves.
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