Present: Robert Lewis
Lori Walton
Shanny Doucet
Jody LaPierre
Angela Decker
Jim Hondas
Andre Beaulieu,Chairperson
Nancy MacLean, Staff Resource
Regrets: Jim Hondas
Sue-Anne Glavine
1. Up-Date: Sub-Committee Reports of the Education Committee
(a) Special Education Needs of the TA and RA Groups (University Sector)
Brother Robert Lewis was part of the sub-committee and also attended the recently held Directly Chartered Local (DCL) conference at which an afternoon planning session on the topic of education was held. Brother Lewis provided an update on the discussions held during that planning session and reviewed the sub-committee report. Discussion ensued. The sub-committee outlined a number of issues and recommendations that will require additional research and planning to better meet the specific needs of this group. Some of the issues are bigger than just education and are outside the scope of the Education Committee. An additional report will be provided at the next Education Committee meeting.
(b) Providing Courses in French
Brother Beaulieu and Sister Doucet provided a report on behalf of the sub-committee. A number of French courses scheduled in New Brunswick have been cancelled due to low registration. In addition, some advance courses in New Brunswick are not being offered in both official languages. The Education Committee would like to remind the PSAC to be sure to contact the Council Directors so that they may promote the course as to avoid cancellation.
(c) Promotion of the Education Program
Sister Walton provided a report on behalf of the committee. The committee looked at the education tools that already exist and the website was looked at as a way of promoting Union Education, including e-learning. The committee will have a booth at the Atlantic Convention to promote PSAC education and will talk with members about our education program and the membership experience. The education posters will be “jazzed up” and we will ask PSAC members to use social media as a way of highlighting PSAC education. It is also recommended that that Atlantic REVP promote PSAC Education when speaking at meetings where members are present. It is also recommended that an impromptu video with Council be developed on why PSAC education rocks.
(d) Weekend Education in Prince Edward Island
Brother LaPierre provided a report on behalf of the sub-committee. The issue is the cancellation of courses. The committee reviewed courses held since 2010. It is recommended that the committee have another meeting and will invite Sister Dawn Hardy to participate.
2. The New Union Development Program (UDP)
The new format of the program was outlined. The UDP is part of the PSAC Advance Leadership Program. Starting in 2014, a new UDP is being introduced. The program will now be offered every year. Members from the Atlantic Region are jointly being trained with members from Ontario, NCR and Quebec. The program will be offered in English and French. It is offered to activists at all levels of the Union and targets new and emerging leaders. The Atlantic will be offered 6 – 7 seats for the English UDP yearly and 4 seats for the French UDP yearly. The call-out for the program has been distributed in the Atlantic Region and the deadline for application is November 5, 2013.
It is recommended in the future that the Education Committee be notified prior to the call out of new training programs so that they may be prepared to answer any queries from the membership.
3. 2013 – 2015 Atlantic Education Plan
The Committee reviewed the draft 2013 – 2015 Atlantic Education Plan. The Committee will hold a conference call on November 5 at 7:00 p.m. to finalize the plan and to provide a recommendation of approval to the Atlantic Council. There after, the plan will be translated. It is also recommended that a conference call of the Atlantic Council be held not later than November 30 to approve the plan. The plan will then be posted on the Atlantic website within 5 days of approval.
4. Union Works for Women
The Union Works for Women course for NB and PE is scheduled at the same time as the Atlantic Council meeting. The Committee outlined a number of issues with the current scheduling of the Atlantic Course. Discussion ensued. It is recommended that in the future that whenever possible such advance training courses not be schedule at the same time as the Atlantic Council Meetings or Conventions or PSAC events where Council Directors may be entitled to attend. It is also recommended that when posters are distributed for courses including two provinces (i.e. PEI and NB) that the poster should clearly indicate to whom the course applies and it should be distributed in a timely fashion to the entire membership in both provinces. It is further recommended that when there is a course modification that the modification is clearly communicated to all members affected and re-posted.
5. Committee Convention Report 2014
The Atlantic Council Education Committee report for the next Triennial Convention is required in early 2014. Brother Beaulieu will send a reminder to the Committee in January to send out a call for report content and a draft report will be prepared for the next Council meeting for review.
Respectfully Submitted,
Andre Beaulieu, Committee Chairperson
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