Report of the Director for GLBT Members, Sandy Cake, January 2013 to October 2013

Since our last meeting, the Greater Moncton Human Rights Committee organized a BBQ to encourage members to get involved. We took part in “Dining in the Dark’’ organized by the CNIB. The activity was very well received and we learned a lot. The Committee was also at the Pride Parade in Moncton and we invited transgender community members to join us. Three members accepted our invitation.

I took part in the Leadership Conference in Moncton and the Women’s Conference in Antigonish. I met new faces and did some networking. I will be taking part in the National Pride Conference in Toronto from November 18 to 22, 2013.

As many of you already know, I was given the chance to alternate positions with someone else and I am currently taking a course in business management. Since my union work is dear to my heart, I asked our National President for permission to keep my position until the end of my mandate and the PSAC Executive Committee approved my request. I am very pleased to be able to complete my mandate.

In solidarity and with pride,

Sandy Cake

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