Activity Details For REVP - Atlantic Region, February 2012


3 - 7Meeting of the National Board of DirectorsOttawa
10 - 16Provincial Elections & Workplace VisitsSt.John's, NL
13 - 16CEIU ConventionSt.John's, NL
20 - 21IMP Team Meetings & Ratification Vote on Tentative AggreementGander, NL
23 - 26CLC/NS Federation of Labour ConventionDartmouth, NS
24CBC NB radio interview re: Compensation Advisors in MiramichiMiramichi, NB
26Video Conference with Compensation Advisors and HQHalifax R.O
27Miramichi Area Council MeetingMiramichi, NB
31Meeting of the Alliance Executive CommitteeOttawa
1 - 2Meeting of the Alliance Executive CommitteeOttawa
3 - 6Meeting of the Atlantic Regional CouncilChester, NS
6 - 8NL & Labrador Federation of Labour ConventionGander, NL
10Quoted in the Gander Beacon re: Gander EI Processing CentreGander, NL
10Interview with CBC TV re: Gander EI Processing CentreGander, NL
15Stewards RetreatNew Brunswick
16Video Conference with the Alliance Executive CommitteeHalifax R.O
18Retirement celebration for Sister Donna Gourley, UNDEHalifax, NS
21Local Meeting with UPCEHalifax, NS
24Interview with VOCM Radio re: Gander EI Processing CentreSt. John's, NL
25CEIU Presidents MeetingHalifax, NS
25CBC Radio Interview: Elimination of EI overtimeSt. John's, NL
26Stewards RetreatHalifax, NS
30Conference Call with the Alliance Executive CommitteeHalifax, NS
1Special Meeting of the National Board of DirectorsOttawa
1Quoted in Cape Breton Post re: EI Centre closuresCape Breton
2Emergency Meting with Alliance Executive CommitteeOttawa
5Live Radio Interview re: Public EngagmentHalifax, NS
5CBC Radio Interview re: EI clerks denied OvertimeHalifax, NS
6Guest Speaker at Vigil held for Violence Against WomenBridgewater, NS
6CBC Radio Interview Information morning re: Third Choice CampaignHalifax, NS
7Quoted on re: Long gun registry and December 6thBridgewater, NS
7Retirement Celebration for Gerard Innis, UTESt.John's, NL
8Annual General Meeting of St.John's Area CouncilSt.John's, NL
10Quoted on re: EI Centre closures in Cape BretonCape Breton
12 - 13Meeting of the Alliance Executive CommitteeOttawa
13Front page quote in Chronicle Herald re: Cuts to DFOHalifax, NS
13CJLS Radio Interview re: Cuts to DFOYarmouth, NS
13Quoted in The Telegram re: Cuts to DFOSt.John's, NL
13Interview with Cape Breton Post re: Cuts to DFOCape Breton
14Area Council MeetingCharlottetown, PE
14Meeting with David Clow, President LocalCharlottetown, PE
20Meeting with Shirley RyanSt.John's, NL
 JANUARY 2012 
4Conference Call with Alliance Executive CommitteeHalifax, NS
9 - 10Meeting of the Alliance Executive CommitteeOttawa
11Parks Strategy MeetingOttawa
16Meeting with Lana Payne, President of NL & Labrador Federation of LabourSt.John's, NL
17St.John's, NL Office Re-Opening EventSt.John's, NL
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