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Regional Human Rights Committees

Regional Human Rights Committees play an active role in the education of members, employers and communities about human rights issues.  They act as a resource to members on human rights issues, as well as a hub of activism.  These committees are established in accordance with Section 15 of the PSAC Constitution which enables the establishment of regional equity committees representing any of the four equity groups, or human rights committees, representing all of the four equity groups. To find out more, contact your regional office. 


Equity and Human Rights Calendar


19 - Martin Luther King Day

27 - Family Literacy Day

27 - International Day of Commemoration of the Victims of the Holocaust



Black History Month

Third Monday * Family Day

14 - Pink Triangle Day

17 - Heritage Day

20 - World Day of Social Justice



8 - International Women's Day

20 - International Francophone Day

21 - International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

22 - World Water Day



7 – World Health Day

9 - Day of Pink, Anti-Bullying Day            

22 – International Mother Earth Day

28 – National Day of Mourning



Sexual Abuse/Assault Prevention Month

1st Full week * North American Occupational Health and Safety Week

1st week  * International Youth Week

1st Week * Nat’l Mental Health Week

After Victoria Day * Aboriginal Awareness Week

1 – May Day

3 – World Press Freedom Day

12 – Canada Health Day

15 – International Day of Families

17 – International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia

21 – World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development

25 – National Missing Children’s Day



1st Week * Canadian Environment Week

1 – Injured Workers’ Day

5 – World Environment Day

20 – World Refugee Day

21 – National Indigenous Day

26 – International Day of Support of Victims of Torture

27 – Canadian Multiculturalism Day



1 – Canada Day

18 – Nelson Mandela Int’l Day



9 – International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples

12 – International Youth Day

19 – World Humanitarian Day



1st Monday * Labour Day

8 – International Literacy Day

21 – International Day of Peace

23 – Bi Visibility Day

Last Sunday * Police and Peace Officers’ National Memorial Day



Child Abuse Awareness Month

Women’s History Month

Healthy Workplace Month

1st week * Mental Illness Awareness Week

2nd Week * National Citizenship Week

2nd Week * National Family Week

3rd Week * Amnesty International Week

10 – World Mental Health Day

11 – National Coming Out Day

17 – International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

18 – National Persons Day

24 – United Nations Day and World Development Information Day

26 – Intersex Awareness Day



Woman Abuse Prevention Month (Ontario)

2nd Week * National Veterans’ Week

11 – Rememberance Day

16 – International Day of Tolerance

20 – Transgendered Day of Remembrance

20 – National Child’s Day

25 – International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

25 Nov. to 6 Dec. – National White Ribbon Campaign (Men against Men’s Violence Against Women)



1 – World AIDS Day

2 – Internation Day for the Abolition of Slavery

3 – International Day for Persons with Disabilities

6 – National Day of Rembmerance and Action on Violence Against Women

10 – International Human Rights Day

June 27, 2013 - 11:32am •
The PEI Human Rights Annual General Meeting was held on June 27th and the Elections were held for the following: President: Debi Buell, acclaimed VP: Heather Ford, acclaimed Secretary: Priscilla Giroux, acclaimed Treasurer: Jody LaPierre, acclaimed
June 17, 2013 - 10:15am •
St. John’s, NL: July 18-24, see more details at www.stjohnspride.ca   
June 17, 2013 - 9:52am •
Halifax, NS: July 18-28, see more details at www.halifaxpride.com  Parade is happening on July 27   
June 17, 2013 - 9:47am •
Charlottetown, PE - July 7-13, 2013, see more details at www.pride-pei.com 
June 7, 2013 - 5:10pm •
Some members from the Greater Moncton Human Rights committee participated recently in a fundraising activity of the CNIB* where they experienced exceptional food, education and enjoyed a unique dining experience where they were blindfolded giving them the opportunity to rely solely on their sense of touch, taste and smell.
April 9, 2013 - 3:14pm •
On March 27th, the Greater Moncton Human Rights committee was among the proud sponsors of the Continent-wide Water is More Precious than Gold tour to raise awareness of the negative impact of Canadian mining operations on El Salvador.
March 14, 2013 - 10:44am •
The Next meeting of the PEI Human Rights Committee will be held on April 3rd at 5:30 pm in the PSAC Boardroom.
November 7, 2012 - 2:32pm •
The Halifax Human Rights Committee bought toiletries in support of Halifax Connects, a free event for Halifax's homeless and at risk citizens.  A group of PSAC activists, their families and allies gathered for a few hours on the afternoon of Saturday, November 3, to roll cutlery for a served hot meal planned for the event on Sunday.  The organizers were expecting to serve 800 hot meals at the Halifax Connects event being held at Halifax Citadel High School in the community centre.
March 8, 2012 - 10:21am •
On the evening of Wednesday, March 8th, the PEIPSAC Human Rights committee had their Annual General Meeting. After reviewing the minutes and moving a balanced budget, the Election of Officers took place, facilitated by Donna MacDonald of CEIU. We are pleased to inform you that the  new local executive mimics the last, having all members retaining their respective positions: Debi Buell (UVAE) - President; Dave Clow (DCL)  - Vice President; Karolyn Walsh (UVAE) - Secretary; Jody LaPierre (UVAE) - Treasurer.


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