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October 25, 2016

The Lecturers’ Union of Memorial University of Newfoundland Votes in Solidarity with #MakeMuskratRight Campaign

Sisters and Brothers,

Thank you for the support you have demonstrated to the PSAC members who work at the Pay centres and thank you for having voiced your concerns about Phoenix.  You sent letters to your local MPs, commented on social media and participated in various union events.  We all know the problem is with the pay system itself and not the workers.


Sister Jeannie Baldwin is on leave until December 2016.  During her absence, Sister Colleen Hodder, the Alternate Regional Executive Vice-President for the Atlantic will be the acting REVP. Sister Hodder’s contact information is:

Email: HodderC@psac-afpc.com

Telephone (office): (902)445-0927

Please join me in welcoming Sister Hodder to her new duties, and wishing Sister Baldwin well during her period of leave.

Robyn Benson
National President, PSAC
