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Negotiating team for the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) representing the Union of Graduate Student Workers (UGSW), Local 60550, at the University of New Brunswick (Fredericton and Saint John) is not surprised from the CBC News report which highlights that the University of New Brunswick has the highest amount of sexual violence cases reported from September 1 and December 9, 2015 making it the university with highest number of cases reported across the province.


On March 25th, 2015 the St. John’s Young Workers Committee (SJYWC) met for the first time and elected their executive. The Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, each with their own roles and responsibilities, were the positions that were filled. To be honest I had no idea what I was getting involved with. I had no idea what I had signed up for. But accepting the Chair position of the SJYWC has turned out to be a great decision as it has been a rewarding experience.

A very cold -34 windshield morning as family and friends gathered for the Launch of the REDress Campaign.  The dresses donated by several friends and family members will fly for one month to honour those lives of the missing and murdered indigenous women
Happy Valley Goose Bay, NL
PSAC-Atlantic and the Social Justice Fund invite PSAC-Atlantic members with a deep commitment to international social justice to apply to be a part of the Breaking the Silence delegation traveling to Guatemala this year from April 30 to May 13, 2016. The delegation is organized by the Tatamagouche Centre.
Please submit your applpication to Sébastien Bezeau (bezeaus@psac.com) by February 25, 2016.  
PSAC members at the University of New Brunswick to hold strike vote
On February 10, the St. John's Young Workers Committee held their second annual general meeting - and attendance was HUGE.  They successfully elected a full executive and had the pleasure of having an open discussion with PSAC-Atlantic's Regional Executive Vice-President, Jeannie Baldwin.
The elected executive is as follows:
Leanne Moss - Chair, UNE Local 99242
Josh Barrett - Vice-Chair,  TAUMUN Local 90600
Christina Samson - Secretary, CEIU Local 90113
Katie Vokurka, Treasurer, UTE Local 90001
