Letter from Colleen Coffey, Regional Executive Vice President, PSAC’s Atlantic Region

Sisters, Brothers and Friends,

As I sit down to write this letter to you, PSAC members, I can’t help but feel grateful for all that you do on a daily basis. I’m proud to say that I work for PSAC members just as you are proud to work for Canadians. We deliver so many essential services to Canadians in various different capacities and we can and should be proud of that.

May 1st is International Workers’ Day. This is the day we celebrate all workers. The global pandemic is certainly putting the spotlight on the importance of workers and the role we play in society. It’s also enabling us to talk about the proper pay, benefits and workplace protections that workers should be able to rely on.

I know that right now, it’s very difficult. Myself, I find it quite challenging working from home surrounded by my two grandchildren. Living in uncertainty can create a lot of stress and we need to find ways to cope with this new work environment.

As a Union, I’m so proud of the support we have been able to provide to our members during these difficult times. We still need to draw lessons from this crisis and ensure we continue to lobby various levels of government in order to adopt laws and policies that will protect all workers.

We’re in this together and we will succeed.

Stay safe and stay healthy.

Yours in solidarity,


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