Despite all the magic of social media, letters still pack a serious punch. A letter to the editor, to an MP, to your municipal councilor can make important inroads. PSAC members know more than almost anyone about the public services we provide, and we are best equipped to speak up and write up when these services are under attack.
Join PSAC REVP Jeannie Baldwin in calling on Just Us general manager Debra Moore to immediately reinstate workers dismissed for their involvement in union activity and to voluntarily recognize a union for baristas Just Us. Contact Debra now:
Debra Moore
General Manager, Just US
5896 Spring Garden Rd
Halifax, NS
T.(902) 542-7474 Ext. 227
F. (902) 542-4436
Dear Debra Moore,
I am writing to communicate my support for baristas employed at your Spring Garden Road café to exercise their right to form a union. The Nova Scotia Trade Union Act enshrines the right of workers to free association and free collective bargaining. I am requesting that your respect these rights.
I understand that on March 27th you terminated two employees for their involvement in an effort to organize a union. I would like to remind you that terminating employees for exercising their rights under the Trade Union Act is illegal. I am requesting that you reinstate these workers immediately and that you voluntarily recognize a union at this workplace.
The Atlantic Region of the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) represents some 20,000 workers in Atlantic Canada. We have been proud to purchase Just Us coffee for our four regional offices. We have also actively promoted your fair trade products to our union members.
I regret to inform you that PSAC will stop supporting and promoting your business until you respect the rights of your employees to form a union.
Jeannie Baldwin Regional Executive Vice-President
Public Service Alliance of Canada
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