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Media Room

Union officials joined together to meet with the Federal Minister of Taxation, Gail Shea to discuss their concerns about the impacts of the Federal cuts coming to the province. The concerns voiced by the members included the cuts to Veterans Affairs, the EI Processing Centre in Montague and the Licensing Office at DFO. Those attending the meeting were:

ST. JOHN’S, NL – The Public Service Alliance of Canada with affiliates of the Canadian Labour Congress, the Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Labour and the St. John’s and District Labour Council, as well as community partners, will gather Thursday to watch and critique the federal budget.

MONCTON, NB – The Public Service Alliance of Canada with affiliates of the Canadian Labour Congress, the New Brunswick Federation of Labour and the Moncton District Labour Council, as well as community partners, will gather Thursday to watch and critique the federal budget.

CHARLOTTETOWN, PEI – The Public Service Alliance of Canada with affiliates of the Canadian Labour Congress and the PEIFederation of Labour, as well as community partners, will gather Thursday to watch and critique the federal budget.

HALIFAX, NS – The Public Service Alliance of Canada with affiliates of the Canadian Labour Congress, Nova Scotia Federation of Labour and Halifax and Dartmouth District Labour Council, as well as community partners, will gather Thursday to watch and critique the federal budget.
