ST. ANDREWS, NB - Save Ocean Science (SOS), a recently formed group of non-partisan citizens in St Andrews and surrounding areas, is hosting a panel discussion in St Andrews. The event is an opportunity for the public to learn about the impact of the significant cuts to Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) Science. It is also an opportunity for the public to show support for the work being carried out at the St Andrews Biological Station (SABS) and other DFO research facilities.
The panel will be followed by refreshments and musical entertainment by Homemade Bread.
When: July 18, 2012, 7pm
Where: The theater at the Fundy Discovery Aquarium, Huntsman Marine Science Centre, 1 Lower Campus Road in St. Andrews.
Speakers will include:
Dr. Dave Wildish, Emeritus Scientist on the history of Environmental and Contaminants scientific work at the St Andrews Biological station and the important role it has played in environmental protection and public health in Canada.
Dr. Karen Kidd, ecotoxicologist at UNB Saint John and the Canadian Rivers Institute, on the critical role of government science and why universities will not be able to fill the research gaps created by the cuts.
Dr. John Castell, retired research scientist, on the importance of the library at the St Andrews Biological Station.
The Hon. Dominic LeBlanc, Liberal M.P. for Beauséjour, on a sitting MPs perspective on the sweeping changes in the budget bill.
Janice Harvey, Green Party of Canada Fisheries Critic, on how changes in the Fisheries Act and cuts to marine research budgets are defying the lessons learned from the collapse of groundfish stocks throughout Atlantic Canada on the perils of single-species management.
Stan Choptiany, St Andrews Mayor, on the impact of the cuts on both the town and region’s economy and on the earned reputation of St Andrews as an internationally respected hub for aquatic science.
Maria Recchia, Fundy North Fishermen’s Association, on the importance of science to the traditional fishery.
Chris Alyward, National Vice-President, Public Service Alliance of Canada, on the union’s We are all affected campaign which makes the case that cuts to federal jobs and services affect all Canadians.
Gary Corbett, President of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada, on the importance of the role of public science and evidence-based decision-making.
Save Ocean Science (SOS) is a recently formed group of non-partisan local citizens who are raising concern about the federal cuts that will close the St Andrews Biological Station Library, eliminate the Contaminants and Toxicology program, and severely cut the Habitat program.
Contact: Caroline Davies at, 506-469-0212
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