Report of the Director for Racially Visible Members, Dana Bailey, June 2011 – January 2012

I am pleased to have been elected as the PSAC Atlantic Council Director for Racially Visible Members for another term. It has been a very busy period for me, due to my other union commitments and community activism.  I hope that in the next few months I will be able to focus on my role as the Racially Visible Director and my Members.


Prior to being elected in this term on Council, I set as a member of the TC Bargaining Team. Negotiations with Treasury Board are at the time of this submission still ongoing. My ongoing commitment and responsibilities to our members in this role has consumed a lot of my time and energy.  However the lessons learned and experiences gained are priceless.

Since being elected I have had the opportunity along side the other Council Directors to attend an Atlantic Council Team Building Retreat and Training Session.  We reviewed the PSAC Members Plan, to provide feedback, did a brainstorming session around possible political actions and the direction we as a Council want to go over the next 3 years.

In July I took part in the Halifax Pride Parade along side my PSAC Brothers and Sisters.

I have continued my commitment to sitting on the Regional Women’s Committee and the Human Right’s Committee.

Most recently I accepted the role as Chairperson of the Halifax Human Rights Committee.

Social Justice Work:

With my family and other activists I participated in packing and delivering 250 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.

Along with Sister Lori Walton, we prepared Sandwiches for Soul’s Harbour Rescue Mission which provides meals to the community from 1 – 4 p.m.everyday during Monday to Friday.

Currently I am working with PSAC’S staff support to the Halifax Human Rights Committee Nancy Maclean to Organize an African Heritage Month Event.  This event will also commemorate last year being declared by the United Nations as the Year to Celebrate Persons of African Descent.  

Respectfully Submitted,

Dana Bailey
PSAC Atlantic Director (Racially Visible)
(p) 902.457.5715     

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