Report of the Director for Women, Newfoundland & Labrador, Angela Decker, February 2012-September 2012

In February, I attended our Atlantic Council meeting & Committee meetings that were held February 23-26 at the Westin, Nova Scotia.

The Women’s Committee met on February 24th @ 8:45& the Education Committee met on February 24th also @ 10:45AM. Council met on Feb 26th & Feb 26th.

I participated in PSAC’s Day of Action in Charlottetown, PEIon March 1st.

I was guest speaker on World Prayer March 2nd in RockyHarbourat a church service.

The Rocky Harbour Regional Women’s Committee held a luncheon on March 8th.

The NLFL Women’s committee met on March 23rd & 24th in St John’s.

I participated in the first CLCSchoolin NL from April 29th to April 1st @ Terra Nova Golf Resort.

I participated in National Women’s teleconference on April 2nd.

I attended the St John’sRWC AGM& conducted elections on April 3rd.

The Rocky Harbour Regional Women’s Committee held its AGMon April 19th with Sister Margie Hancock Officiating. I was re-elected as Chair.

I attended the PSAC Convention as a delegate from April 30th to May 4th.

I attended the NDP Levee in St John’s NL on May 12th.

Participated in Atlantic Council teleconference call on May 15th.

Participated in Atlantic School Organizing Committee meeting teleconference on 17th of May.

I attended Atlantic Council Organizing Committee meeting on May 22nd @ St FX. N.S.

I Co-facilitated the Advanced Steward   course at the AtlanticSchoolfrom May 23rd-27th @ St FX, Antigonish, NS.

Attended NLFL Women’s Committee meeting June 2nd-3rd, St John’s NL

Rocky Harbour Regional Committee meeting June 3rd.

RockyHarbourRegional Committee held Retreat in DeerLakeNLon July 21st-22nd. I facilitated education session.

I attended the NLFL Women’s Committee meeting Aug 19th -20th, St John’s NL.

Participated in teleconference call for planning of PSAC National Day of Action, St John’sRegion.

Participated in Teleconference call on August 22nd with REVP on Gander Regional Office viability with NVP’s, RVP’s, & Directors responsible for NL.

Participated in Atlantic Council Conference call on Sept 4th.

Participated in Teleconference call on Sept 6th with REVP, on Gander PSAC Regional Office viability with Local Presidents in Gander Region.

Respectively submitted in solidarity & sistership,

Angela Decker
NL Women’s Director

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