2016 PSAC-Atlantic Racially Visible Members Conference

The 2016 PSAC-Atlantic Racially Visible Members Conference will be held September 23, 2016 at 9 a.m. through to September 25, 2016 at 12:00 noon in Halifax, NS.  The theme for this Conference is: ''Race Forward: Our Union, Our Community, Out Future!''  Registration deadline: May 20, 2016.
The objectives of the 2016 PSAC Regional Conference for Racially Visible Members are:
• To discuss, strategize and mobilize on issues impacting Racially Visible Members in their region;
• To share experiences and network with other Racially Visible Members in the region
• To empower and inspire Racially Visible Members to become active in their union, community and workplaces.
Below is the registration information package which will provide additional details about the conference 
PDF icon Registration Information Package616.26 KB