Apply now to the PSAC Young Workers Symposium

PSAC invites young workers from the four Atlantic Provinces to apply to attend a Young Workers Symposium at the Terra Nova Hospitality Home and Cottages in Port Blandford, Newfoundland and Labrador, from 6pm, Friday, November 4 to 1pm, Sunday, November 6, 2016 Port Blandford, Newfoundland and Labrador.

This event will bring together PSAC members 35 years of age and younger to discuss critical issues facing young workers in their union, in their workplaces and in society. We’ll also talk about how our union works and the rights we have won as union members.

The symposium will be an excellent opportunity for young PSAC members to network with each other and work together towards creating Young Worker Committees throughout the region. Apply now! All travel related costs, accommodations and loss of salary will be paid by the PSAC.

Please submit your application by Wednesday, October 5, 2016 to Jacqueline Robichaud (  A poster and application form is attached.  

In Solidarity,

Colleen Hodder
A/ Regional Executive Vice-President, Atlantic 

PDF icon Application Form299.85 KB
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